Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Favorite Nail Polish Remover!

This is by far my go-to polish remover. It's not harsh on my skin like other removers because there's no Acetone. Instead they used Ethyl Acetate; which isn't as drying. Also, the smell isn't as harsh. I used to stink up the entire room with my remover because I would have to use so much, and the Acetone was waaay strong. This kind of has a sweet smell that can be washed off with soap afterwards. I got it at Target for $3.99.

How I use it:
**I lost my camera card so I couldn't take a picture of the inside.

Inside there is a sponge that is soaked in the remover. In the center of the sponge there is a hole you put your finger into, and you do what the title says; twist and scrub. It takes maybe 30 seconds per nail to get the polish completely off; depending on the formula of the polish. I really like it because unlike other remover sponges, the color that gets wiped off onto the sponge doesn't collect on your finger again; so you end up with a clean removal each time.

The only bad thing is if you tip the container, the liquid will spill out onto your table. BUT- It doesn't take the finish off expensive wood!!  And that's very important if your a mom and your kids continuously spill things.

And since I just used this, there will be a nail tutorial tonight :)

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