Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dove Beauty Bar

Hey everyone! I managed to find some wireless internet, and a product I really loved! Long story short- I forgot to bring soap on vacation. :(
I thought this was a good time to try something new anyways. So I chose the Dove Beauty Bar! 
It might be a little weird to see a review about soap, but I thought it would be nice to share my first impression on it. Anyways, my skin really needed help from that body wash I used a while back from the dollar store. (There's a review on that, too.) I heard good things about this soap and at Walmart it was like $5.00 for two bars.
I really like it! It's 1/4 moisturizing, and you can really tell. Even as your rinsing you can feel how luxurious it is. It made my skin feel so soft, and brought back natural moisture. A plus side is that it comes in many different scents. It also lathers very easily. I really can't explain how much I like it! I will definitely purchase this again! 

Sorry this was short but I don't have much time! It's time to go shopping :)
See you soon! xx 

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