Friday, August 10, 2012

My back to school shopping list!

So it's almost that time where i'm going to have to wake up super early and get ready for school...
But it's also that time where I get to go shopping! I can't wait to show you guys what I get. My plans are to go to JC Penny, Wet Seal, and Forever 21. My  favorite stores! I like to plan ahead, since I will be shopping sometime this week ahhh!! Nothing gets me more excited for the school year than shopping for clothes :)

What I plan to get:It's important to go back to school makeup shopping as well as getting new clothes.
Lets start with makeup.
I really need to get a good foundation; I'm thinking Revlon Color Stay for normal/dry skin. I used this product all throughout my sophomore year and I plan to use it again! It's my favorite drug store foundation landing at about $11.
I have no idea what I'm going to to for concealer yet. I have to read more reviews ):
I'm set for eyeliner and mascara; I use gel eyeliner and a little bit goes a looooong way; so I still have some from last year. (Even though you're supposed to switch out your makeup every three months, I don't like to waste)
And last I need a good brow pencil. I don't even know how to shop for those. I think i'll get one that matches my natural eye brow color because I don't want them to look like they were penciled in but I do want them to be more visible. Curse my blonde eye brows :(

Now for the clothes!!
I really like to dress classy for school. I feel way more confident wearing a dressy top and a clean, dressy pair of jeans rather than a tee shirt and any old jeans. That's why I like Wet Seal. They have very nice jeans that don't look worn or faded.
This year I'm looking for jackets, leggings, skirts, dresses, and dark jeans.
One of my staples this year is my dark blue blazer from Wet Seal. I can pair it with anything and it looks great!
And for shoes- anything simple. I have about 2 pairs of shoes and I like to keep it that way. I like a good pair that can be paired with anything- a skirt and jeans.

This is getting a bit long; but that's just the main overview! Shopping is scheduled for this Sunday :)

See you soon!xx

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