Thursday, August 30, 2012

First World Problems at Buckle

In my mall there is a store called Buckle. I haven't ever been in it before until today when I was finishing up my school shopping. And I probably won't be going back! First- whenever I saw a cute shirt I wanted, they didn't have it anywhere on a rack! They only had it on those cheap plastic things that hang from the very tops of the racks. Second, they had a really weird sizing for jeans. You have to know your length and your width. So I had an employee help me find the right size of jeans, and she was glad to help! (which was nice.) While I was trying on the pair, she went ahead and picked out three more for me to try on. I didn't ask her to, but I appreciate how willing she was  to help. It got a little weird when she showed up at my fitting room with a few shirts and two pairs of shoes to try on. Now I'm all for helping a customer with finding products, but she wasn't really helping; she was choosing things for me! Basically I had a bad experience because she was pushy and I felt really awkward when she would bring me all these items that I didn't want! Plus, they were a bit pricey. ($78 for one pair of jeans!)

Long story short- I didn't leave that store with anything.
Anyways, this trip concluded my school shopping! I'll get a post up about everything as soon as I can. Again I'm very busy- Last weekend before school :(

See you soon! xx

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