Friday, August 10, 2012

My daily hair products

This will be similar to my post of tips on how to grow your hair, but this one will have a little less detail and more of showing exactly what I use every day.
This is my very old straightener! I'm in need of an update :( 
It has gold plates that are obviously a little bit run down; I purchased this from  Wallgreens when I was in 7th grade! It's lasted me a long time :) I really like it! I heard that the gold plates are the least damaging. Although I haven't seen any like this anymore. It goes up to 450 degrees.

I really don't think there's anything different about this. It has a cold, low, medium, and high setting. Not so special but it gets the job done.
As I said in my hair tips post, I don't use a brush. I love these types of combs. They're not damaging to hair hair at all but they do remove tangles and work very well. I noticed my hair has reduced breakage by at least 60% after I got rid of the brush.
For hairspray I love the ultra fine mist because I don't like to use a lot of hairspray and this really is just like a mist. From Target for around $5 :)
I posted a review on this product if you want to read more about it, but basically it's my heat protector. 

Again there is a separate review for these two as well! 

Just a generic styling cream. It smells super good! It almost reminds me of a mixture between coconut and vanilla. 

And last this is the olive oil spray I use once a week overnight!

I hope this inspired you to try some of these products on your hair  and see what they can do for you!
See you soon. xx

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