Monday, August 13, 2012


First session of school shopping is done :) I think when I get the second done that's when I will photograph everything.
Just a quick update on what I got:
I went to JC Penny and this year it was really disappointing. They were doing construction or something so everything was all moved around and I couldn't find anything I wanted! I ended up leaving with two tops. Then I went to Wet Seal. Today they had a 30% off entire store sale and from my last trip I got a 10% off each item discount card, so my entire purchase was 40% off :)
This is really the only store where I can find jeans that fit me perfectly, and I left with two pairs! Also; 5 tanks, a jacket, and a lace cardigan.
Then I went to target for the shoes. I got a simple black pair like I said I would. :)
Again pictures will be up when i'm completely done with all my shopping.

And I just did my nails last night to expect a tutorial later today!
See you soon! xx

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