Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer half moon manicure :)

What you'll need:
Paper re-enforcers
Off-white nail polish
Two colors for the dots
Bobby pins and toothpicks!

Put the re-enforcers on the bottom of your nail by the cuticle. You can put them at any height depending on how high you want your half moon.
And paint :) I had to use 3 coats.
Slowly peel off the stickers. Push down any polish that rises.
Using one of the colors and a bobby pin, dab medium sized dots on the edge. This will not only cover any mistakes, but it looks cute :)
Now, using a toothpick and the other color, dab smaller dots above the larger ones.
I added a flower using the same technique as I did with the dots :3 Make sure everything is completely dry before you add a top coat!

What I used: 

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