Wednesday, September 5, 2012

An Update first two days of school are done! I am soooo exhausted. The first day I  came home I immediately fell asleep! I sure wish I could make posts like I used to. I think once I get in the habit of being awake so early I won't be as tired and I'll come back to this regularly. So far school has been great! The only anxiety I had was on the first day in new classes, in the hallways, and when I had to get up and introduce myself in front of the class. Today was great though. I managed to talk to a few people in my classes without a problem. What really helped me is the thought of 'What's the worst that could happen?'
In other non- school news, I need to redo my nails tonight! I'm definitely doing water marbling. The only downside is it's such a waste of polish:(
I'll post tips and tricks when I get the chance.

Now- off to do homework.

See you soon! xx

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